Judging Others . . .

“you shouldn’t prejudge the worth or value of something, by its outward appearance alone”

in other words “don’t judge a book by its cover”

Many people say/read/post this but about 80% actually follow it. People judge the cover of a book so many times, I have done it in the past – I wouldn’t lie to you. I take a look back on how I would judge a cover & I’m not as cruel as some people were. Now a days I hear people with their judgments on other people & it goes in one ear & out the other. Say I’m about to meet this person & the judgement of them, I’ve already heard. it’s obvious what they said is in the back of my head but I get to know the person and make my own judgement after seeing them a couple of times. I really like to try & get to know the person before I make a definite judgement, unless I’m judged for being myself – then I have no interest. Why should I try to get to know you, when you didn’t try & get to know me? I don’t think it’s fair & I try to be as fair as can be.

I remember seeing a homeless person & I was there when she was asked, “Why are you homeless?” I thought she was going to respond rudely but to my surprise she didn’t. She simply  responded, “I like to live my life care-free, I can do as I please without worrying about paying bills.” So it was HER choice to do so not because she had nowhere to go. That was on my mind for the rest of the day as i spent it on the beach with my friends.
When you judge a person before getting to know them what does that say about you? Your not the best person to do that, it will return you. Yes, I am speaking of karma – when someone judges you without getting to know you, I’m pretty sure you won’t like it. I know I don’t.  We are judged all the time & I highly dislike it. Whether it’s your skin type, the way you talk, the way you dress, the way you act, how much education we have gotten, our job occupation at times. Basically almost everything, I don’t think it’s my job or anyone’s job really to judge someone by any of the things I just mentioned. I believe there is only one person who can judge you & its taken place on your Judgement Day. If you don’t know by now who I’m referring to is God himself.

Well I didn’t write as much as I would like, mainly because of distraction but I tried. I blame the Oscars, only because it’s been a few years since I last saw it. This week I’ll see if I can put a few more up. Hope everyone had a great weekend & may you all have a stupendous week. xoxo – britzy

~ by adlezirb on February 27, 2012.

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